Product Description
Learning how to use an AED has never been easier than with the Physio-Control LIFEPAK CR2 AED Trainer. This unit provides realistic training in the use of the LIFEPAK CR2 AED without the actual charge and discharge of electrical energy. Designed to simulate the appearance of the LIFEPAK CR2, the Trainer simulates its actual operation using the same simple user interface. Preset demos can be programmed for fully automatic or semi-automatic mode to enable a quick demonstration of the key LIFEPAK CR2 features, as well as the benefits of cprINSIGHT™ analysis technology.
Like the LIFEPAK CR2, the Trainer uses ClearVoice™ technology to enable voice prompts to be heard clearly even in noisy environments for clear instruction. The LIFEPAK CR2 Trainer demo app can be used to set up automatic email notifications or send manual email notifications via Bluetooth® from any Windows®, Android® or iOS® mobile device. This app simulates the automatic email notifications provided when a LIFEPAK CR2 is managed by LIFELINKcentral AED program manager.